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Google My Business report building guide

With the Google My business data source, you can pull data such as location, post, offer, event, reviews, media, search. Create a report to see the change in direction requests, phone calls, and website visits. If you have multiple locations, create a report to see the differences between locations.

For a full list of metrics and dimensions available in our Google My Business data source connector, take a look at our Google My Business documentation.

Once you’ve connected to Google My Business, you’re ready to create your first queries!

Try these queries

See the following use cases for examples on how to set up queries.

See actions from last month

Take a look at what kind of actions were performed for your listing last month.

The “Website visits” metric shows the number of times the website was clicked. The “Phone calls” metric shows the number of times the phone number was clicked. The “Directions requests” metric shows the number of times directions were requested.

For best results in Looker Studio, use the combo chart chart type.

  1. Set the date range to Last month.
  2. Select the Website visits, Phone calls, and Directions requests metrics.
  3. Select the Date dimension to split the query results by date.

See total actions

Fetch data on the total actions taken on your listing this week compared to last week.

The “Total actions” metric shows the total number of times customers have taken action on this listing.

For best results in Looker Studio, use the scorecard chart type.

  1. Set the date range to This week.
  2. Select the Total actions metric.
  3. Set the Comparison date range to Previous period.

See number of views on Google Maps

Take a look at how your locations have been viewed on Google Maps.

The “Views on Maps” metric shows the number of times the resource was viewed on Google Maps.

For best results in Looker Studio, use the bar or column chart type.

  1. Set the date range to Last 28 days.
  2. Select the Views on Maps metric.
  3. Select the Location name & ID dimension to split the results by location.

See number of views and searches over time

Explore how many searches and Google Maps views your locations reached last month.

The “Views on Maps” metric shows the number of times the resource was viewed on Google Maps. The “Views on Search” shows the number of times the resource was viewed on Google Search.

For best results in Looker Studio, use the time series chart type.

  1. Set the date range to Last month.
  2. Select the Views on Maps and Views on Search metrics.
  3. Select the Date dimension to split the query results by date.

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