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How to merge teams

If you're a member with the Owner role in multiple teams in Supermetrics, you can merge one team (target team) into another one (destination team).

When you do this, the target team's licenses, team members, and other details will be added into the destination team. The target team will be removed.

Merging can't be undone, even by Supermetrics' support team. Use caution before merging teams.

Before you begin

You can only merge teams if:

  • The Supermetrics user account performing the merge is an Owner of both the target and destination teams. Follow these instructions to change someone's role to Owner.
  • The target and destination teams have different names.


In this process, the destination team is the team that will exist after the merge, and the target team is the team that will be removed from the system.

  1. Log in to the Supermetrics Hub.
  2. Check from the top bar that you're in the right team.
  3. Click your avatar in the top-right corner and select Manage your team.
  4. Click Merge teams.
  5. In the Choose the team to merge in drop-down, select the target team. The target team will no longer exist after the merge — all parts of it will be added to the destination team.
  6. Check the box to confirm that you understand this action is not reversible, and that the target team will be deleted.
  7. Click OK.

After merging teams

As soon as you've merged the teams, check that all users are listed in the destination team. Make changes to the destination team's member list if you need to.

Data sources connected to Looker Studio (formerly Data Studio) data sources might not work correctly after a merge. Reauthenticate the data source to fix this.

Additionally, Google Sheets licenses might need to refresh their license info to reflect the new team's information after the merge.

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