If you’ve created a Supermetrics report that you’d like to share as a template, follow these steps.
You can also submit a support ticket about adding your template to our gallery of free templates.
Create and share template
- Create a report in Supermetrics for Google Sheets. Keep everything in a single worksheet.
- Delete your queries' results, or replace it with dummy data, so none of your data is shared.
- Open the SupermetricsQueries tab. (This is hidden by default. Click Extensions → Supermetrics → Manage queries to show it.)
- Delete the contents of the following columns:
- Query ID (column A)
- Created (column G)
- Updated (column H)
- Last status (column I)
- Last refresh ID (column J)
- Results contain sampled data (column K)
- Accounts/views (Column W)
- Refresh with user account (column AU)
- In the file’s sharing options, click Get shareable link. Select Anyone with the link can view to stop people from making changes to your template.
- Share the file’s link with anyone who’s interested in using your template.
Use template
- Open the Supermetrics sidebar in the spreadsheet where you want to use the template.
- Navigate to the Home tab and select Custom template.
- Add the template file link to the field and click Add template.
- Select the connection and accounts you want to use on the template. Repeat this for each data source the template uses.
- Click Get my data.
- Wait for the data to be inserted and queries to refresh.
- If you belong to several Supermetrics teams, you'll be prompted to select the team you want to use.
- Queries will refresh again. Once refreshed, close the loading window.
Now, the template uses your data.