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How to create, share, and use Supermetrics report templates for Google Sheets

If you’ve created a Supermetrics report that you’d like to share as a template, follow these steps.

You can also submit a support ticket about adding your template to our gallery of free templates.


Create and share template

  1. Create a report in Supermetrics for Google Sheets. Keep everything in a single worksheet.
  2. Delete your queries' results, or replace it with dummy data, so none of your data is shared. 
  3. Open the SupermetricsQueries tab. (This is hidden by default. Click Extensions → Supermetrics → Manage queries to show it.)
  4. Delete the contents of the following columns:
    1. Query ID (column A)
    2. Created (column G)
    3. Updated (column H)
    4. Last status (column I)
    5. Last refresh ID (column J)
    6. Results contain sampled data (column K)
    7. Accounts/views (Column W)
    8. Refresh with user account (column AU)
  5. In the file’s sharing options, click Get shareable link. Select Anyone with the link can view to stop people from making changes to your template.
  6. Share the file’s link with anyone who’s interested in using your template.

Use template

  1. Open the Supermetrics sidebar in the spreadsheet where you want to use the template.
  2. Navigate to the Home tab and select Custom template.
  3. Add the template file link to the field and click Add template.
  4. Select the connection and accounts you want to use on the template. Repeat this for each data source the template uses.
  5. Click Get my data.
  6. Wait for the data to be inserted and queries to refresh.
  7. If you belong to several Supermetrics teams, you'll be prompted to select the team you want to use.
  8. Queries will refresh again. Once refreshed, close the loading window.

Now, the template uses your data.

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