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How to configure an SFTP server destination

Use this guide to fill the fields in the configuration view when creating a new SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server destination in Supermetrics.

Before you begin

Before you create an SFTP server destination, make sure all prerequisites have been met.

SFTP configuration

The configuration stage of creating a new destination for SFTP server in the Supermetrics Hub includes the following fields.

If you’re missing any of the information you need for these fields, one of your server admins should be able to help you find it.

  1. Display name is the destination’s display name. Display names distinguish different destinations from each other.
  2. Hostname of the SFTP server you’re going to use as a destination. You need to exclude the port number or user credentials here. 
  3. Port number of your SFTP server. We support "22" or "2222", “22” is the default. 
  4. Upload path is the folder structure you want to create in your SFTP base directory. For example, if you specify a path “subfolder1/data”, the transfers will create the folders in the directory if they don’t exist yet. If they do exist already, the data will be loaded into the specified path.
  5. Output format lets you select the format you want to receive your data in.
  6. Username is your SFTP username. 
  7. Password is the password for your SFTP username.

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