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Instagram Insights report building guide

Use the Instagram Insights data source to see how your account has developed over time, and combine the data with your ads data to see how your campaigns affect your page. Use this data together with your other social media data to gain a deeper understanding of your audience on various platforms.

We’re happy to offer a wide range of Instagram Insights data fields in Supermetrics, including Reel plays, Reel shares, and Total Reel interactions. You can review a full list of metrics and dimensions in our technical documentation.

Once you’ve connected to Instagram Insights, you’re ready to create your first queries!

Try these queries

See the following use cases for examples of how to set up queries.

See the number of page followers

Explore the number of followers for your page.

The "Profile followers" metric shows the total number of unique accounts following this profile.

For best results in Looker Studio, use the scorecard chart type.

  1. Set the date range to Today.
  2. Select the Profile followers metric.

See follower demographics

Get data on your followers’ age and gender.

For best results in Looker Studio, use the bar or table chart type.

  1. Set the date range to Today.
  2. Select the Profile followers metric.
  3. Select the Age and Gender dimensions to split the query results by age and gender.

See followers per country

Understand the geographic distribution of your followers.

For best results in Looker Studio, use the pie or geo chart type.

  1. Set the date range to Today.
  2. Select the Profile followers metric.
  3. Select the Country dimension to split the query results by country.

See new followers

Check the number of new followers for your page in the past 7 days, compared to the previous 7-day period.

The "New followers" metric shows the total number of unique accounts following this profile. The "New followers" metric only supports querying data for the last 30 days excluding the current day.

For best results in Looker Studio, use the scorecard chart type.

  1. Set the date range to Last 7 days.
  2. Select the New followers metric.
  3. Set the Comparison date range to Previous period.

See an overview of your posts and reactions to them

See what you’ve published on Instagram and how your audience has liked and commented on your content in the past 4 weeks.

The "Like count" metric shows the total number of likes on the media object, including replies.

The "Comments count" metric shows the total number of comments on the media object including replies.

The "Media impressions" metric shows the total number of impressions of the media object.

The "Media created" dimension shows the date and time the post was added. 

The "Media caption" dimension fetches the post's caption.

The "Media permalink" dimension shows the URL of the post on Instagram.

The "Media type" dimension shows what type of media the post is.

The "Media product type" dimension shows the surface where the media is published: AD, FEED, STORY, or REELS.

For best results in Looker Studio, use the table chart type.

  1. Set the date range to Last 28 days.
  2. Select the Like count, Comments count, and Media impressions metrics.
  3. Select the Media created, Media caption, Media permalink, Media type, and Media product type dimensions to create columns for media details.

More resources

See the Supermetrics blog for tips on using our Instagram Insights template for Looker Studio.

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